Every homeowner dreads the idea of having to replace their roof. Learning what to know about replacing a roof can take some of the fear out of the process. Learning what to know about replacing a roof can also reveal the benefits of a new roof that you have not even thought of.
Your home is most likely the largest investment you have made, your roof is vital to protecting that investment. Keeping your roof in tip-top condition ensures that you are doing all you can to protect your investment.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and Your Options
Here is a news bulletin that many homeowners are not aware of, residential roofing comes with options for replacing a worn roof. Most people think that the only option to replacing a roof is tearing the old roof down and installing a new one, that is a misconception. You may not have to deal with the demolition of your roof.
What to know about replacing a roof that is little known is there is an option called “re-roofing” that can give you that brand new roof without having to go through the tearing down of your old roof. Re-roofing is a roof installation process that lays a brand new roof right over your old one.
Re-roofing is a one and done option. This means if you have ever had your roof re-roofed in the past, you cannot do it again. How does re-roofing work? It is a simple idea really. Instead of removing the old roofing material, the old roofing material stays in place, and the new roof is installed right over it. It is like having a double roof.
Re-roofing is a great option for cutting down on waste, saving money, and getting a brand new roof in less time. This can be a great solution for your roofing needs. Ask your roofer about what to know about replacing a roof, re-roofing and your options to explore all your options before you make a decision.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and Your Material Choices
A lot of homeowners make the choice to change the materials of their roof when they need a roof replacement. Many homeowners feel that if they are going to be replacing their roof anyway they might as well upgrade the style.
Here are some things to consider about what to know about replacing a roof and choosing your materials:
- Budget limitations can affect which materials are right for your project. Asphalt shingled roofs are still the most popular because they are very affordable and get the job done nicely.
- Some materials will last much longer than others. There are some materials that are designed to give you at least 50 years of coverage but of course, they will require a larger investment.
- There are eco-friendly options. If you are committed to protecting the environment ask your roofer about eco-friendly roofing systems.
Many homeowners make the mistake of going with the lowest cost when it comes to their roofing. Typically, low-cost roofing options, are low cost because they do not offer the durability that you can find with some of the more expensive options.
How do you decide which roofing material is right for your project? You have to weigh the cost with the value. Let’s look at a few different scenarios to make it easier for you to learn what to know about replacing a roof and your material choices
Scenario A. Jim and Joan have been told that roof repair is no longer an option. They will need a new roof. Jim and Joan have lived in their home for about 10 years, and Jim was just told by his job that he will be relocated in about 2 years. In this scenario, investing in more expensive metal roofing that is guaranteed to last for 50 years may not be the best investment. Since they will be selling their home in the next couple of years, it would be best to go with the less expensive roofing options.
Scenario B. Jack and Dianne built their home about 15 years ago. This is their forever home. They have no plans of moving or selling. In this case, going with the metal roof will give them peace of mind, that they will never have to replace the roof again. It is worth the added investment.
When you are making decisions about the roofing material that is right for you consider the following:
- How long will you be in the home?
- Can you squeeze the money out of your budget for a better quality roof?
- The style of your home. Sometimes it is not so much quality that you have to consider but enhancing the style of your home that has to take the lead.
There is a lot to learn about what to know about replacing a roof and picking the right materials. A quality roofer is your best ally in making an informed decision.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and Repairs
We touched on the idea of potentially re-roofing your current roof instead of doing a complete install. A re-roof may not be the only way to save some money on your roofing needs. The right roofer may be able to repair your roof instead of having to replace it.
Roof repair is a fraction of the cost of replacement. In some cases, the roof has simply reached the end of its lifespan and repair is not possible, but in many other cases, even when you think that your roof cannot be repaired it can.
A roof inspection by a highly qualified roofer can determine if repair is an option. The right roofing company will be able to give you an honest assessment of your roof and whether repairs are possible.
However, what to know about replacing a roof and making repairs instead is that eventually, you may still have to replace the roof. Depending on the age of your roof and how bad the damage is to the roof will dictate how long the repairs will hold up.
If money is tight and roof replacement is just not in the budget right now, ask the roofer about making repairs and how long the repairs will hold up. It may be a good option to get you through to a point where you can afford the entire replacement costs.
Some roofs are easier to repair than others. For example, a flat roof can simply require a roof coating to fix any problem areas, but a pitched shingled roof may need a little more work to make repairs. Again, an experienced roofer is your best resource for information for what to know about replacing a roof and avoiding it by making repairs.
Before you write off the possibility of affording a roof replacement be sure to check your homeowner’s policy. About 52% of homeowners are not familiar at all with what their policy covers. Your roof damage may be covered under your homeowner’s policy. For example, if the damage resulted from a storm, or a tree fell on your roof and damaged it. Typically, coverage is not extended to fair wear and tear but you should absolutely check your policy to see if maybe coverage is available for your specific issue.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and How To Avoid the Problem
The fact is there is no such thing as a forever roof, but you can absolutely extend the life of your roof by taking a few simple steps. Most homeowners do not do anything to maintain their roofs. Did you know that you should have an annual roof inspection?
There are several things that every homeowner should be doing to help preserve their roof and extend its life:
- Make repairs immediately. A lot of homeowners will find shingles in their yard that blew off their roof during the last storm they will look up at their roof and not see anything that is evidently amiss. The time to call a roofer is when you find what looks like roof debris in the yard. It can be a problem that you cannot see unless you are up on the roof.
- Have your roofed cleaned. A professional roof cleaning service can help to get rid of the dirt and grime that can prematurely age your roof.
- Remove any hazards. Overhanging limbs can wreak havoc on your roof. Even the limbs that are healthy are dropping leaves that will stain, and decay your roof.
With a little focused maintenance, you can help to keep your roof in good condition. When you need small repairs it is always best to act quickly. Roof damage does not heal itself and it always 100% of the time gets worse.
An annual inspection can reveal any roof spots that need to be addressed before they become problems. You can partner with a roofing contractor to keep your roof in good shape to avoid roof replacement problems.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and Doing it On Your Own Terms
Let’s say you have some home improvement money you want to invest. Before you decide to install those aesthetic upgrades consider the condition of your roof. While your roof may not be giving you any problems right now, you should consider the age of your roof.
Roofs come with expected lifespans. For example, a shingle roof with lower grade shingles may only be expected to last for 15 years. Is your roof nearing that 15-year mark? Every year after that 15 year period your roof is under additional risk for failure.
Replacing your roof on your terms when you do have the money to invest, is far better, than waiting until it fails when you may not have the money to invest. Your roof is so important to every other system in your home, it is always a good investment.
Getting ahead of the potential problem by replacing your roof before it fails is a good option. You do not have to wait until the roof is leaking to replace the roof.
What to Know About Replacing a Roof and This Little Known Benefit
Most people realize that replacing their roof will provide them with peace of mind and top-notch protection for their home, but there is another tremendous benefit that you get from roof replacement. Today’s roofing materials are designed to be more environmentally friendly and to provide more energy efficiency.
A new roof can actually cut down on your energy bills. Consider this, when you are cold, what do you do? You put on a hat. Why do we reach for hats when we are cold? Heat rises and we lose heat through the top of our head. A new roof is a lot like a well-made cap for your house, it helps to keep the heat in.
The same is true for summer weather. If you want to keep the heat off your head, then you put on a cap. A high-quality roof will keep the heat out of your house and keep the cool in, reducing energy costs. A replacement roof is a great way to cut down on your bills.
Here are some other things a new roof can bring to the table:
- It can help with noise reduction. If you live in an area where there is a lot of flyover noise from planes, a new roof can help to dampen the sound.
- A new roof protects every system in your home including your foundation. Most people look up at their ceilings to see if they have a roofing issue and forget to look down at their foundation. A new roof helps to protect your foundation.
- It adds about 14% value to your home.
Now that you have learned what to know about replacing a roof and the benefits that you will gain, it is easy to understand that having your roof replaced is never going to be something you will regret. Most roofers offer financing options that can make the process far more affordable.
Learn more about what to know about replacing a roof by calling a local roofer today.